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Eligibility Criteria for Board Director 

To be eligible, nominees are required to be a current ISACA member or join ISACA if selected to serve. Board directors are expected to attend four in-person meetings and four teleconferences during their term. In addition, they also should plan to spend about 15 hours a month on board-related activities including committee participation. Please consider these commitments before submitting a nomination.

The Board expects that Directors will possess the following attributes associated with effective governance:

  • Integrity and accountability.
  • Informed judgement
  • Strategic Vision
  • Financial literacy
  • Mature confidence
  • Diversity and Inclusion Awareness
  • High performance standards
  • Commitment to the Mission

Strong nominations are those which provide specific and concrete examples of how the applicant or nominee has exemplified leadership attributes and/or how their activities have contributed to ISACA’s mission.

ISACA Board Members may not also serve as ISACA Chapter Leaders.

Refer to the Conflict of Interest Policy (PDF) when completing the candidate form.

Duties and Responsibilities 

The board’s duties and responsibilities include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Represent the collective interests of the organization’s members and stakeholders.
  • Provide governance and oversight of the company’s ethical culture, strategy, performance and financial reporting, risk management and regulatory compliance, as well as executive talent management, including CEO performance, compensation and succession.   Ensure optimal board composition, structure and leadership that align with the company’s strategy.
  • Ensure optimal board composition, structure and leadership that align with the company’s strategy.
  • Exercise its authority directly or through committees of the board.
  • Direct, advise and counsel ISACA’s senior management.
  • Abide by and support ISACA’s Code of Professional Ethics
  • Leverage professional networks in support of ISACA.
  • Maintain a global perspective on professional issues and ISACA matters.
  • Lead by example through an energetic dedication and ability to accomplish ISACA objectives while maintaining exemplary leadership qualities and demonstrating positive performance in professional and volunteer roles.

Expectations for Performance

The Board also seeks individuals who have diverse backgrounds, are recognized leaders in their respective fields, and have the potential to make a significant contribution to ISACA’s mission.  As a director, you are expected to:

  • Attend all meetings.
  • Prepare for meetings by reading the materials provided and conducting additional research as necessary.
  • Participate actively in board discussions, providing information and views relevant to the subjects discussed; and
  • Respect the confidentiality of all board deliberations and company materials.