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Frequently Asked Questions



After the Annual General Meeting (AGM) each year, ISACA will send notice to the membership of all open director seats and which directors are leaving the board for the subsequent board term. There are two ways for members to submit nominations for the ISACA Board.

1. Nomination through the Governance & Nominating Committee

Each year, ISACA’s Governance & Nominating Committee puts forth a slate of candidates for the open director positions in the subsequent term of the Board. The Governance & Nominating Committee seeks to obtain a blend of experience and skills necessary to support the successful running of an association as well as deep ISACA experience steeped in the organization’s mission.

In addition, the Governance & Nominating Committee seeks diversity of gender, race, global origin, and industry that reflects the diversity of ISACA stakeholders.

The Governance & Nominating Committee works with a matrix that encompasses the current Board’s diversity, skills, expertise, and background. This matrix facilitates a gap analysis, identifying areas to address regarding Board composition for the upcoming term.

The Governance & Nominating Committee seeks candidates who have demonstrated their abilities and possess the desire to dedicate a minimum of three years of their time and energy to ISACA and exhibit a commitment to being an effective Board member.

The Board has identified certain experiences and skills that fit the needs and strategy of the organization. Preferred candidates will exhibit one or more of the following:

  • Experience on an ISACA Chapter board or significant volunteer experience on behalf of ISACA.
  • Experience in driving Chapter growth in membership and membership participation.
  • Experience in government/government advocacy to support ISACA Advocacy objectives as well as ISACA’s Capability Maturity Model in the software and medical fields.
  • Experience as a CTO, e-commerce/publishing/education-related organizations is a plus.
  • Experience as a CISO.
  • Visionary in the field of cutting-edge technology.
  • Experience as a Head of Internal Audit or Senior IT Audit professional.
  • A “Financial Expert”, as defined by the Securities and Exchange Commission and an expert in US GAAP accounting to support the Audit & Risk Committee.
  • Experience as a Chief Risk Officer with an emphasis on Operational (People, Processes and Technology), Strategic and Financial Risks to support the Audit & Risk Committee.
  • Experienced CEOs with proven success in companies with more than 250 people in a space in or adjacent to ISACA’s business who are mission-driven.
  • Expertise in Employee Compensation and Benefits of a global yet predominantly US-based organization to support the Compensation and Talent Management Committee.
  • Experience in Digital Transformation.
  • Experience as a Head of Product Development with a successful track record.
  • Experienced Chief Marketing Officer.
  • C-Suite experience in Education-related companies.

The Governance & Nominating Committee reviews ALL nominations submitted to it during the eligibility period and determines which nominees will move on for the interview process. The Governance & Nominating Committee may also enlist the help of a global search firm to provide additional candidates with specific skills, to aid in screening finalist candidates and to provide independent background checks.

Upon completing all interviews, the Governance & Nominating Committee convenes to discuss all interviews and determines which candidates to put forth for the next Board term.

2. Nomination by Petition 

Pursuant to Section 4.6(b) of the ISACA bylaws, any member in good standing may petition, subject to compliance with the conditions set forth below, to be a candidate for the ISACA board.

To be valid, the petition of a member shall satisfy the following requirements:

  1. A minimum of two hundred and fifty (250) members shall have signed the petition; provided, however, that among the two hundred and fifty (250) members, each one is a member in good standing and no more than twenty-five (25) may be from any one Chapter; and
  2. The petition must be delivered to the Chair of the Nominating Committee at the address of the International Headquarters on or before the earlier of 1 January of the same year in which the Nominated Director term will commence or one hundred and twenty (120) days prior to the Annual Meeting; and
  3. The petition may not nominate members of the Nominating & Governance Committee for Nominated Director positions.

This form must be used to submit nomination petitions and each signature must have a legible member name and number so that signatures can be verified.


If the number of nominees via member petition or put forth by the Governance & Nominating Committee is equal to the number of open director seats then all such nominees will be deemed elected. If there are more nominees via member petition or put forth by the Governance & Nominating Committee, than an election will be conducted by ballot or at the AGM.


Nominations by member petition or through the Governance & Nominating Committee can be submitted from the close of the AGM to 1 January of the following year. 


First decide whether you want to serve ("candidate application") or if you are nominating someone else to serve as Director. You must be logged into the nomination system using your ISACA credentials in order to access the nomination forms.

If you select "nominate someone else":

  1. You will be asked for your contact information as well as that of the candidate (person you are nominating.) Then you will be asked to describe and give specific examples of attributes this person has shown that makes you believe they would be qualified to serve as a Director on the ISACA Board of Directors. 
  2. You may save and return to this form at any time, but it is required that you click SAVE AND SUBMIT no later than 11:59 pm US CT on 15 December. It is recommended that nominators do not wait until the deadline to allow the candidate ample time to complete the application.
  3. Once you click SAVE and SUBMIT, the system will send the candidate an email containing a link to the candidate application. This form and at least one recommendation letter are due no later than 11:59 pm US CT on 1 January. It is recommended that you confirm that the candidate has received the email (and may need to check their spam folder) after clicking SAVE and SUBMIT.

If you select "candidate application":

  1. You will be asked for your contact information, CV, recommendation letter(s) and to describe and give specific examples of experiences and attributes you posess that make you uniquely qualified to serve on the ISACA Board of Directors. 
  2. You may save and return to this form at any time, but it is required that you click SAVE AND SUBMIT no later than 11:59 pm US CT on 1 January. This includes attaching at least one recommendation letter from a professional contact. ISACA staff and current ISACA Board members may not write recommendation letters. ISACA Chapter leaders may provide letters of recommendation for candidates, at their discretion.


At least one recommendation letter is required from a professional colleague who can speak to your ability serve on a board of directors. Up to three letters may be attached to the candidate application. ISACA staff and current ISACA Board members are NOT allowed to submit letters. ISACA Chapter board members and leaders may provide letters of recommendation for candidates, at their discretion.

Recommendation letter(s) must be attached to the nomination form as a .DOC, .DOCX, or .PDF file. At least one letter is required to be attached in order to submit your candidate materials. You may complete the rest of the form and return later to attach the letter and submit the form. 


Terms are one year, beginning after the close of the AGM of each year, and directors may serve up to nine terms.


No. ISACA board members are volunteers. However, ISACA does reimburse travel expenses for mandatory board and committee meetings.


The Chair and Vice Chair of the ISACA Board of Directors are selected each year by the current Board from the current sitting Board Directors.


System emails are sent from ISACABoardNominations@ISACA.org via secure-platform.com. It is recommended that users look in their junk folder if they do not see the emails in their inbox and then add the sender to the safe-senders list.

To keep you apprised of the status of your nomination and the nomination process, the system sends the following emails:

  • Confirmation emails are sent automatically upon clicking Save and Submit to acknowledge receipt of the form. 
  • Reminders for unsubmitted forms up to the deadline.


Candidate - Person being nominated to serve as Director or submitting a self-nomination. 

Nominator - Person submitting a nomination for someone else to serve as Director.

Recommendation letter - A professional letter from someone who can speak to the candidate's ability to serve on a board of directors. The letter(s) do not have to come from ISACA members. ISACA staff and current international board members may not write recommendation letters. ISACA Chapter board members and leaders may provide letters of recommendation for candidates, at their discretion.

Deadline - The system will lock down at the specified deadline. Late submissions WILL NOT be accepted.

Governance & Nominating Committee - The Governance & Nominating Committee reports to the ISACA Board of Directors and is responsible for reviewing all nominations, conducting all interviews and presenting the slate of candidates for board approval.

Director - Directors are annual appointments to the ISACA Board of Directors and are voting members of the board.